New Media Certificate Portfolio

The New Media Certificate is apart of the New Media Institute at the University of Georgia. The aim of this program is to make students technowledgeable. It provides courses centered around new media technologies that teach skills applicable in any future career. I am currently on the Dev Track which focuses heavily in areas related to development and programming.

NMIX 5110

Advanced New Media Production

NMIX 5110 was both my first New Media course and the first upper elective I took in my certificate journey. In this course, I had extensive experience using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. We also touched the basics of Vue.js, Node.js, and GitHub. I learned how to use modern tools and frameworks, like HTML5, to develop interactive cross-platform websites. Throughout the semester I was able to build on my previous skills from CSCI 4300 and go from building static HTML pages to building fully interactive websites that utilize frameworks and APIs.

Featured Projects

Be my Valentine?

This site was one of the first assignments I coded for this class. It uses JavaScript and CSS to create a beating heart e-valentine.


This site was hand-coded and built using JavaScript. It was one of our first introductions to creating functions and calling them within the HTML.

Blast Off!

This site was an assignment where we were focusing on modifying the CSS of a webpage with JavaScript. I used HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to code a rocket flying across the screen that can be flipped and/or switch directions with the click of a button.

Cat Quiz

This site was my submission for our " JavaScript Jamboree! " I hand-coded a quiz that allows you to test your knowledge of any cat breed contained in The Cat API.

Let's Play Cards!

This site utilizes JavaScript and CSS properties to simulate a player's hand during a game of poker. It allows the user to drag around the cards in their hand, discard, and re-draw up to 5 cards.

Online Art Query

This site is my final project for this class. I utilized many of the new skills I gained in this course to create an aesthetically pleasing website that uses the Metropolitan Museum of Art API. The user is able to browse the art contained within a specific department or search and find many works of arts related to their query.

CSCI 1302

Software Development

I took CSCI 1302 the Spring semester of my sophomore year. This course played a vital role in the formation of my coding skills. It allowed me to further develop the foundation I had begun in CSCI 1301. This course focused on major object-oriented programming concepts including but not limited to developing with inheritance, class-based programs, and various data structures. During this course, I was also exposed to working in a Linux environment and gained experience working with Emacs, Maven, and shell commands. Overall, this class provided me the opportunity to greatly extend my programming skills to the next level which will greatly benefit my future career endeavors.

Featured Projects:

Minesweeper Alpha Project

For this project, I developed a non-recursive, non-GUI version of the game Minesweeper. When run, this program presents the player with a title banner and a printout of the game’s minefield. It then allows the player to mark, guess, or reveal any square in the field and responds appropriately by performing the indicated action and re-printing the grid. If the player revealed a mine and lost the game, it would print a game over banner, and if the player successfully guessed all the mines, it would print out a win screen with their final score. An additional help screen was also implemented that would print with the “h” or “help” command. When run, the user can specify a path to a seed file that allows the player to customize the size of a minefield and the designated spots for the mines. I implemented this project in a MinesweeperGame class and driver class using Java. The majority of my code was contained in the MinesweeperGame class that consisted of various methods to produce the resulting game.

15 x 15 field:

15 x 15 field

5 x 5 field:

5 x 5 field

Help Command:

Help Commands

Gameover Screen:

Gameover Screen

Win Screen:

Win Screen

Gallery Project

This project was my final project for CSCI 1302. It utilized JavaFX and the iTunes API to create an application that displayed album covers related to the search term that would randomly change every few seconds unless the user specified it to pause. It also featured a progress bar at the bottom of the application which updated in real time to show the progress of new album covers being loaded. For this project, I used existing generic methods, interfaces, and classes within Java for my implementation alongside utilizing common abstract data types and structures. I also provided a Maven build file to build and run the application. Additionally, for this project I opted to complete the extra credit portions which included instantiating two additional themes within the app and providing an “About Me” page that pops up in a separate window when selected. This project was my first exposure to using JavaFX and pushed me to expand the boundaries of my skills as a developer.

Demo video

Progress bar example at 1 minute and 7 seconds

Basic Theme:

Basic Theme

Dark Mode:

Dark Mode

UGA Theme:

UGA Theme

Search Results Example:

Search Results Example

About Me:

About Me

NMIX 4310

Rich Media Production

I took Rich Media Production the during the fall of 2021. It was my second NMIX course, and I thoroughly enjoyed the projects I created. We worked with XCode and SwiftUI to develop Apple IOS products. Although SwiftUI varies from other programming languages, I found that many of the same concepts I used in other classes were helpful to me while taking this course. I was able to adapt my skills such as passing arguments and creating structs within the programs to develop various applications that were able to be installed on my own phone!

Featured Projects:

Midterm Application: Exploring the National Park Service!

Here features my midterm project for NMIX 4310. This assignment instructed us to utilize everything we had learned in the class so far to create any app that revolved around something we were interested in! For my project, I decided to create an application that pulled and displayed information from the National Parks Service API. I utilized structs, views, and lists to create a list of NavigationLinks. Each link pulled up a separate view that displayed the park on a map and various details about that specific park. Additionally, we were also encouraged to develop an app with features that that pushed ourselves beyond what felt doable. To factor this into my app, I included a settings page that allows the user to choose the given map type and filter the list of parks by those that are located in Georgia. This app is also available for the iPad in addition to the iPhone.
API: National Park Service

Demo video

iPad Display

iPad display

iPad Settings Display

iPad Settings Display

iPhone Display

iPhone Display

iPhone Settings Display

iPhone Settings Display

JukeBox Application

For this assignment, we were tasked with creating a JukeBox. For my app, I drew inspiration from modern day music players, but with a twist. I programmed my app to display a view of each album which then allows the user to select a song to play from each menu. Once selected, the current song’s name and artist is then displayed at the bottom of the app alongside a pause/play button and a shuffle button that plays a random song. When it is first opened, the app plays a random song, and each time the song is changed or a song is paused/played, there is an animation that changes the color and symbol of the button and an animation to transition to the new song’s name/artist. As an additional feature, I added a linear gradient around the outside of the song lists to give the same sort of feel as the old-style jukeboxes that would light up with bright colors, and in a final attempt to push my SwiftUI skills, I added an operational timing bar at the bottom that moves in progression with the song and slides to allows the user to select where in the song they would like the audio to play.

Demo video

NMIX 4220

Digital Brown Bag

Although usually an intro class, I took New Media Brown Bag during the last semester of my certificate journey. This class helped me form many skills that will be beneficial throughout my career journey after I graduate. One skillset that I gained while taking this course was “Adulting” skills. In a couple of different lectures, this course was able to provide me with invaluable knowledge of the details of credit scores and health insurance. I am very grateful for this information and the help I know it will provide in my journey of navigating the professional “adult” world once I graduate. Another major skillset I worked on during this course was networking skills. Providing us with a new speaker each week, this course encouraged us to work on speaking one-on-one with professionals and asking useful questions. Having these polished skills in my toolkit will allow me to continue building my professional network in the present and future through my LinkedIn, my personal business cards, and the advice I gained from hearing these young professionals speak.

NMIX 4510

New Media Capstone

Being at the peak of my certificate journey, New Media Capstone provided me the opportunity to apply many of the skills I gained through my certificate journey while also learning and gaining new skills in the process. For our semester long project, I played the role of lead developer on our team. We worked with our clients, Keith Delaplane and Ash Sial, to implement a model they created with an economist, Suzette Galinato, that estimates a blueberry farmer’s expected yield and thus profit of their blueberry farms. At this point in time, their model was still actively being developed and our task was to help create an app that implemented this model and made it easy for a potential user to utilize. At the end of the semester, our final version of the app served as a beta version for the one they hope eventually to fully develop. This alpha version of the app will be included to strengthen their grant proposal in hopes of receiving the funds necessary to further study this idea more in depth.

This model they were developing took into consideration the effects pollinators have on a farmer’s crop and how they could help to increase the crop’s yield. It also took into consideration how a farmer’s use of pesticide, while usually beneficial to a crop, could also have residual effects on pollinators which at a certain point could deter their profits.

Demo video

Throughout this semester, I gained valuable experience working with clients and having to deal will real-world deadlines. These skills of time management and clear communication are ones that carry a lot of weight in the professional world and ones that I will carry with me throughout my career journey after I graduate.